Tempest in a Teacup

James Hurley

Sparkles with honesty, depth, humor, and heart. Stories of a world that is sometimes amusing, occasionally maddening, and often inexplicable. Told with musical and lyrical imagery that captures the imagination and paints pictures for the mind's eye.

When I first set out to put this album together I had a whole bunch of songs written and no clear

Sparkles with honesty, depth, humor, and heart. Stories of a world that is sometimes amusing, occasionally maddening, and often inexplicable. Told with musical and lyrical imagery that captures the imagination and paints pictures for the mind's eye.

When I first set out to put this album together I had a whole bunch of songs written and no clear idea which ones I should record. So instead of carefully selecting a dozen or so and rolling up my sleeves and going to work, I just began recording...one song after another, hoping and trusting that somehow during the process the songs themselves would determine which ones belonged together...Well, they did indeed, and "Tempest in a teacup" is the result.

This album covers a lot of territory in both musical style and lyrical content and it's quite possible some people might take issue with that...More than once it's been suggested that my career would be much better served by focusing on a single genre or style and pursuing that as a brand or a product...Probably true. That approach has worked really well for a lot of very successful artists. But for me, these albums represent the living of a life. And it seems perfectly reasonable and appropriate for them to be multi-faceted...'cause that's how the life we're living is...It's a journey from laughter to tears and back, with stops at every station along the way. I dunno, makes sense to me ;^)

So anyway, I really do hope you enjoy this collection of songs. And I hope something here gives you pause to think, reason to laugh, or perhaps even brings a tear, 'cause if so, the connection's been made and that's really all I can ask of a song.

Be well,


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